
on blogging .

Sometimes it scares me how much of my own life I forget.  Most especially the good times & adventures. I was scrolling though some posts from 2010 and read a sentence in which I happened to mention going skiing with Tuffy on the river that weekend.


I had COMPLETELY forgot that when I lived in Fairbanks I used to go skijoring on the Tanana River with my dog. And how lovely it was, with sun, steep bluffs, fish wheels, and 20 ft wide packed trails to skate on. Being passed by dog sled teams, hopping over cracks with my skis, building fires on small river islands.  One sentence was enough to jar my memory, and I am so grateful to myself for "documenting" that time. Just one sentence brought back so much.

See, the blog is written as much or more for me, than for others. I love sharing my adventures, and appreciate the opportunity to use the blog to spread the word about my Iditarod run & need for funds, but most of all, I am grateful to have a forum that can be counted on to remind myself what a charmed life I am privileged to lead here in the North land.

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