
in which pea finds some ducks & lisbet is baffled.

Pea in the swamp.
A winter trail runs here.
Pea duck hunting.
Looks like the dock survived the winter.
aggh... i'm confused... blueberry flowers? bearberry flowers?
Bog Rosemary.
Cause I thought these were blueberry flowers......  ugh, where's my plant book?
Cottongrass?  Nope, still shedding season for Pea.
Oh, I love our swamp spruce. 
Pretty pond in the woods.
Green carpet is starting to come up in the woods.
Whoops-- too late for fiddleheads.  Oh well. 
Took a picture of this spot to remind myself to go back in August and collect all these cloudberries. The cloudberries in this swamp remind me of my Norwegian grandmother who was so excited to go out and pick them when she visited--- Norwegians love moltebaer and picking cloudberries in some parts of Norway is akin to combat fishing. 

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