
tired of updating, ready for adventure.

Now that I've moved into a spacious new cabin I've reopened my couchsurfing account and my home to travelers and the opportunities and adventures that come with them.

Also, I've been a bit lonely since the cat ran off. Plus, the more people that come visit me, the less of my own baking I have to eat.

But most of all... I'm DOG LONELY!! I miss the puppies! I'm contemplating/trying to convince landlord to let me bring a dog up-- my parents are tentatively suggesting Charlie, who would be a super skijor dog. I don't know if Landlord is worried about preventing animal cruelty, or protecting the cabin. Unfortunately, it sounds like she's had some renters who mistreated the dogs that they had: not feeding them, not letting them out, not letting them in. Good thing about Charlie is that he is pretty low maintenance.... all he needs is some food, sweet talking, and regular exercise. I guess the same could be said about me too.

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