

a bit of press

Recently, I was flattered to be featured on the popular Norwegian mushing blog Sjekkpunktet (The Checkpoint). Thanks to Anki Ødegaard, who wrote the article and translated my bad Norwegian to good Norwegian. Below is the barely passable, but funny, Google translation:

In the Blood

Lisbet Skogen Norris (24) has been mushing with mother's milk. Almost. Mom Kari Skogen was the first Norwegian woman who completed the Iditarod. She was No. 35 of 67 teams starting in 1984, and Dad Norris has competed in the sprint for many years. Skogen Norris family has always had dogs. It is Anadyr Sibierians applicable to Alaskan Kennels. But it then goes away with them. We found a movie clip from a few years back.

It was only last year that Lisbet began to think seriously about whether she would be a musher. After graduating from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, she traveled to Alta's job at Roger Dahl.

- There, I learned a lot, says Lisbet, and I decided to continue with the dog racing at home in Alaska. Besides dog training jobs Lisbet in the family store, Underdog Feeds. According to Johanne Sundby landed Robert Sørlie winning lead in 2003 as a store display there.

Anyway, Lisbet has two goals for this season: Conduct several successful middle-distance. Definition of a successful run is for her dogs and mushers are quick and healthy after the finish. The location is secondary. Then she will qualify for the Yukon Quest / Iditarod.

Initially, Lisbet registered Knik 200 and Northern Lights 300 This means that the "mid-distance" over there are long distance at home. And the father of the house is still focused on Fur RONDY.

- It's cool to have teams from the same kennel in both types of races, says Lisbet. I'll have fun in winter, I still have lots to learn, says the relatively fresh musher from Alaska. But she ran thus Pasvik trail in April to 10th before she went home.

In these days learn Lisbet dogs to rest on the track. For they do but little in Fur RONDY. While she waits for harlots. (= Snow) Follow Lisbet on her blog.

Her motto: Life is short, mush dogs!

late november update

The late November sun lights up the trees. They are liquid gold, and alpenglow paints the mountains pink. I love the blue moments before the sun sets, a moment that stretched on for hours above the arctic circle in Norway, but lasts only a short time here. Unlike the far north, we have the sun all year. Even so, the light is short and treasured. It is a special time of year. Behind the dog team, I savor the sun on my face, a feeling I have only captured on the weekends lately. The puffs of cloud the dogs make with their breath turns to frost on my ruff. I drive the team with the snowmachine, bumping through the forests of hoarfrost in the swamps, easing over roots and stumps in the forest, and hope for more snow. We are doing a 20 mile run, one rough loop. This weekend we'll go camping again, and I hope to explore the trail system south of us.

Rask. Eating necklines when not in lead.
Wes and Tuffy
Moon rising over the Talkeetna mts.
Frosty grass
Linnea looking cute and Ruby being... Ruby.
Lead dog Sleepy (ha!) and Kozy
November sun.


before the snow

Getting ready..

Tuffy and Cowboy, waiting.


The yard.
Hooking up, Ruby in lead.

And we're off...!
Fall colors.
Over the bridge.
AK swamp spruce.
Golden days.

The grey skies of Autumn.

Running through the gravel pit. 
Almost home!
Good dogs!
Thanks to E for taking such nice photos!


a few more "camping" pics

Tuffy the Camper and Ruby
Linnea and Rask meet fire.  Rask is modeling his Hurtta Reflective Vest.
Tea in my Fold-a-cup E got me.



November. The miles are adding up, and we've started "camping." The dogs are learning that they can't go 150% all the time and that rest time means settle down! Tuffy, a dog I had with me in Fairbanks, is the only dog with previous camping experience. He's quick to settle down on his pile of straw and is a good influence on the dogs next to him. We are running for an hour or two, taking a 2hr break, then running the same loop again. So right now, "camping" involves hanging out with the dogs by the fire, eating chocolate. Tough work hey? :)